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Trivia How to Learn Anything


Honorary Poster
Feb 12, 2024

How to Learn: Pretty Much Anything (YøùTùbé.com) by Mattias Pilhede

Why am I so unmotivated to learn something that would benefit me in the long-run?
Why would I think about it for years but then do nothing about it?
How would I even an approach a grandiose topic like learning music/writing/drawing?

Chapter 1: Procrastination
Why am I so lazy all the time?
  • Sometime the idea of learning something new gives you anxiety which is triggers the same area in your brain where we sense pain
  • Best Solution is just to start doing it
  • In the moment of learning it you will have problems most specifically dissatisfaction or longing for a short-term satisfaction
  • Best Solution is to remember this would lead to long-term satisfaction
Chapter 2: How to Remember What You Have Learned
  • What learning actually is?
    • It is a cell in our nervous system called neuron and information flows from one neuron to another neuron through a synapse and your brain has a billion of synapse
    • Learning something new makes brain create more synapses
  • It is still important to rest as memorization takes time and learning takes repetition
  • Brain remembers what is important so things you forgot are probably not important so focus on things that you need and not on multiple stuff
  • Exercise and Social Contact makes your brain produce new neuron and study and learn better
Chapter 3: You Have to Do Everything on Your Own
  • Different Modes of Thinking
    • The Focused Mode (Logical Mode / Left-Brain Mode)
      • Requires no distraction so your memory is not inefficient but not the most fun
    • The Diffused Mode (Creative Mode / Right-Brain Mode)
      • Brain is free to wander like putting music, some videos because you are not learning but reinforcing what you have learned
  • Switch modes that will help you the most efficiently
  • No matter what you are learning, you must do it yourself
  • Huge part of learning is problem solving and you have to solve the problem yourself
Chapter 4: It Gets Tough and That is How It Gets Easier
  • Learning can be so hard that you can’t even relate to it. But you need to learn about it until it feels real.
  • Make it relatable for yourself
  • Get across the major ideas and not get stuck with small details
Chapter 5: Still Have To Do A Lot of Studying
  • If you want to remember something, you must test yourself
  • Make it important to you and make you need it
  • Test yourself and know what is your wrong and study about it again
  • Mistakes are part of what we learn
  • Refuse to learn something new because of a misleading intuition or feeling that you have understood it or mastered it.
Chapter 6: Everything is Perfect
  • It is perfectly normal to procrastinate, especially if it is new to us and you don’t know where to start
    • But maybe you can focus on something what you can do right now and just do something right now
    • Make the initiative the time and effort
  • Take the Initiative


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